Musical Spa is a family of New Age composers dedicated to creating Music for Wellness. Our new age catalog is comprised of some of the best relaxing music for Massage, Healing, Spa, Yoga, Meditation and more. Our purpose is to provide our listeners with the ultimate relaxation music experience so they can calm the mind, relax and unwind.
Our talented composers, come from around the World and have different music backgrounds which allow us to create the most pleasant relaxing experience for you.
About Musical Spa’s Owner
My name is Ivan. I’ve been a musician for as long as I can remember. After graduating from Berklee College of music as a Music Producer and Engineer, I moved to Miami in 2002. Since 2010, I became a dad and have enjoyed the company of 3 beautiful girls. I homeschool them so I have always looked for ways in which I can still contribute serving others through music, but also be free to enjoy my time with them.
I am convinced that Musical Spa can benefit not only us but everyone on this planet. I want to keep sharing my music and knowledge inspiring others to find their inner peace, through Wellness Music, and to encourage and empower you to find your personal musical soundtrack. A soundtrack that can bring significant changes to your health and overall lifestyle and help you transform into an improved and better you. Finding your personal soundtrack can help you reconnect body, spirit and soul, and aid you on the road to releasing stress from everyday life as well as improving health and overall Wellness. Vibration and energy is all we are in the end.
Music can become a powerful ally on your road to recovery and wellbeing. Studies now support the fact that regularly engaging in musical activities such as listening, learning an instrument, performing, etc, can benefit everyone in your family, from babies to grandparents.
Thank you for the opportunity of serving you through music…enjoy the journey!