Pilars Of Joy: Humor

With everything that is going on around the world today it becomes more and more important that we learn to laugh and have a little bit of humor this tip actually comes from “The Book Of Joy” by Bishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama, in which they speak of pilars that are essential to achieve joy. With respect of one of this pilars coming from the mind, humor, it is extremely important in our lives. If you look at spiritual leaders who are highly conscious, they are actually usually laughing. They are typically humorous people and over all have a good sense of humor. They’re usually humorous people and have a positive attitude towards whatever they encounter. You might think that this is because they have their life handed to them on a silver plate but as you can see from their history on this planet, quite the opposite is true. They have gone through great challenges and trials to evolve. They have learned to come to peace with the tests that are presented to them. They have learned to laugh at themselves and at the situations so that they can view a more positive outcome.

Laughter Works!

This is probably the reason why scientists affirm that laughter is good for your heart. It’s good for your health overall and quite simply, it’s a part of our humanity. In fact the word “humor” actually also stems from the root word “humanity”, so that’s just another reason why it remains important to laugh at ourselves and remain humorous despite our surroundings, our prejudices and even our negative feelings towards one another.

I think that if the world embraced this humorous position more we would see a lot less fighting you
would see a lot less rivalry between countries, groups, etc. And the best news is that laughter as pretty much everything else can be learned. It’s not something that you’re born with and but something that you can develop as a skill. The Dalai Lama points towards this fact.

I encourage you to try laughter as your best medicine this week. Look at comedies, or find anything that lifts up your spirits through laughter. You’ll find that, no matter what life throws at you, you’ll have a more positive approach and it will likely payoff!

Further resources:

Book of Joy by Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao by Wayne Dyer