With everything that is going on around the world today it becomes more and more important that we learn to laugh and have a little bit of humor…
![Pilars Of Joy: Humor](https://musicalspa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/JoyHumor650x350.jpg)
With everything that is going on around the world today it becomes more and more important that we learn to laugh and have a little bit of humor…
In this book, they cover eight pilars that are considered essential towards achieving a life of happiness and joy. There are four pilars…
Have you ever wondered why, in our modern times there are so many people who are unhappy? All around us, we see so many people who are achieving wealth and financial success…
Our emotions play a crucial role in our health. This is why it is important to work on our stress and our spiritual wellbeing on a daily basis…
No matter where you are on your journey to health, when you improve your sleep you’ll automatically improve your health. Unfortunately, according to the American Sleep Association…
Have you ever felt like you could use another you to tackle your everyday activities? You can increase your productivity today…
Wish you could get your hearing back? If you’re like me, you’ve probably had your share of what I call the “rock n roll” years…
Back in my 20s, I was often asked twice, what I did for a living. After over 12 years of making music for a living, I’ve come…
Most of us live a rather busy life, being bombarded with an average of 120 emails per day, work, family, etc…
Pregnant women hold the key to our survival and evolution as a species. In their wombs, they carry the next generation of children. Unfortunately, with our…
These are several ways in which you can protect your family and avoid GMOs. These tips are also likely to keep the doctor away :)…
Are you familiar with GMOs? In the nineties, chemical companies like Monsanto, Dupont and Syngenta, along with other big agricultural businesses…
Now that we’ve covered some other important superfoods like goji berries and coconuts, I’d like to introduce you to what I call the “love superfood”, raw cacao…
Music can accompany us in more ways than we can imagine. These are 6 moments in your busy schedule where incorporating…
As established in my previous article, 4 questionable practices in the history of obstetrics, evidence clearly shows that controlled childbirths…
Contrary to popular belief, midwives and homebirths have been proven to be as safe as obstetrician-assisted births in hospitals…
Our most recent adventure came in the way of an un-medicated, natural birth. Even though it is an increasing trend to see designer…
Coconut benefits are quite extensive. These are some of the most important ones i’ve researched…
In chinese medicine, Goji berries have been widely used to harmonize and increase jing energy…