by | Jan 28, 2014 | Better Health, Natural Childbirth
Pregnant women hold the key to our survival and evolution as a species. In their wombs, they carry the next generation of children. Unfortunately, with our modern lifestyle most women have been mislead by lame-stream media into focusing more energy on the search for...
by | Sep 21, 2013 | Music Therapy
At the time he did not know that the piano would allow him to find his center, his muse, and perhaps his happiness. It would perhaps become his most powerful prescription. This passion for the piano would begin shortly after getting struck by lightning. Dr. Tony...
by | Jun 20, 2013 | Better Health
Now that we know a little more about these inconvenient ingredients in everyone’s plate. These are several ways in which you can protect your family and avoid GMOs. These tips are also likely to keep the doctor away :), as they will surely help you transition towards...
by | Jun 20, 2013 | Better Health
What are GMOs and why are they in your plate? Are you familiar with GMOs? In the nineties, chemical companies like Monsanto, Dupont and Syngenta, along with other big agricultural businesses like Archer-Daniels-Midland and Cargill embarked on a very dangerous but...
by | May 21, 2013 | Better Health
Now that we’ve covered some other important superfoods like goji berries and coconuts, I’d like to introduce you to what I call the “love superfood”, raw cacao. All chocolate is made from cacao beans. Cacao is the seed (nut) of a fruit coming from an indigenous...