As a musician I often get asked about tips to create more musical babies and music for babies so I decided to write this tips for you… We know for a fact that when people listen to the right kind of music they can focus better, perform better and are happier...
Pregnant women hold the key to our survival and evolution as a species. In their wombs, they carry the next generation of children. Unfortunately, with our modern lifestyle most women have been mislead by lame-stream media into focusing more energy on the search for...
As established in my previous article, 4 questionable practices in the history of obstetrics, evidence clearly shows that controlled childbirths in hospitals don’t render healthier babies and mothers as an outcome. The fact that developed countries with a considerable...
Contrary to popular belief, midwives and homebirths have been proven to be as safe as obstetrician-assisted births in hospitals and have far less medical interventions, thus delivering healthier babies around the world. Although there have been many more dangerous...
Our most recent adventure came in the way of an un-medicated, natural birth. Even though it is an increasing trend to see designer c-section births, or births that are filled with medical interventions, we decided to plan on an all natural birth assisted by a doula....