by | May 8, 2013 | Better Health, Music Therapy
Music can accompany us in more ways than we can imagine. These are 6 moments in your busy schedule where incorporating the right music might help you restore happiness and inner peace in your life: 1) Wake Up To A Musical Breakfast For those who are morning people,...
by | May 6, 2013 | Better Health, Natural Childbirth
As established in my previous article, 4 questionable practices in the history of obstetrics, evidence clearly shows that controlled childbirths in hospitals don’t render healthier babies and mothers as an outcome. The fact that developed countries with a considerable...
by | May 2, 2013 | Better Health, Natural Childbirth
Contrary to popular belief, midwives and homebirths have been proven to be as safe as obstetrician-assisted births in hospitals and have far less medical interventions, thus delivering healthier babies around the world. Although there have been many more dangerous...
by | Apr 19, 2013 | Better Health
Our most recent adventure came in the way of an un-medicated, natural birth. Even though it is an increasing trend to see designer c-section births, or births that are filled with medical interventions, we decided to plan on an all natural birth assisted by a doula....
by | Mar 15, 2013 | Better Health
Coconut benefits are quite extensive. These are some of the most important ones i’ve researched. But first a little bit about coconuts. Coconut palms are plants distantly related to grasses. Because of their origins, they are extremely tolerant to salt and grow very...